Today I took the plane for some taxi time so I could see how the engine is behaving at various rpms. Not the most exciting video ever but shared here for completeness. Everything checks out, back to flying soon I…
Category: Aircraft
No More Taxes!*
There are websites and even books dedicated to avoiding paying use/sales tax on airplane purchases in California. Like most states, California wants to collect a tax when you buy something big and “luxurious” and bring it into the State and,…
Repairman Certificate
Last weekend I set myself the goal of kickstarting my Phase 1 with a resumption of flying only to find that the airport is now closed for a month (estimated) for airport lighting improvements. No warning, no notice. Lovely. I’m…
Back on the Flight Line
This weekend I was able to replace the blown capacitor and fuse in the charging circuit, put everything back together and test. This time I am happy to say that the ‘faulty circuit’ lamp from the regulator came on with…
Over Friday night I read a lot of posts of people having trouble with their lamp indicator and I found a couple of forum posts and a web article with information on how to test. Scott offered to come help…