Month: May 2013

More Forward Fuselage (1.5h)

I can’t do anything about joining the two parts of the fuselage permanently until I can route some coaxial from the ELT antenna, and I can’t do that until I, well, buy some. So today (with the help of a…

Engines Revisited

I’ve recently had quite the about face on engine choices. Mostly this is due to developing a very negative opinion on the business behind the Viking engine, but also due to some conversations and research into what other people have…

ELT installation

And for a complete change of pace, today we worked on getting the ELT installed. This is a required piece of equipment that in the event of a crash (or very bumpy landing!) will give off a signal that can…

Forward fuselage riveting (1.5 hr)

Started out the day by dismantling the baggage back area so that I can start to think about antennae. Also, the very top holes in the baggage back are too tight with the top skin to get any rivet gun…