
Over Friday night I read a lot of posts of people having trouble with their lamp indicator and I found a couple of forum posts and a web article with information on how to test. Scott offered to come help…

Lamp Re-Wiring

I took Friday off with the hope of having a four day weekend of flying some hours off but I decided I wanted to get a handle on my lamps first. Having done some more reading I had discovered that…

Phase One Flight Testing

Once an experimental aircraft is inspected and granted an Airworthiness Certificate, it comes with a set of Operating Limitations. These set out the special rules and regulations that the plane must adhere to in order to keep the certificate. If…

First Flight – For Real!

I’ll do a full write up during the week, hopefully with video from my two cameras, but until then here’s some film Teri took from the ground. The short version is that everything was pretty good, but I still need…