Day 39: Riveting the Stabilizer Skeleton (3h 30m)

Having deburred the holes yesterday, the first task was to prime the areas where metal touches metal. Used a lot of primer, here.

It took a while to put things back together, starting with just the front spar, attaching the doublers and the ribs.

Once clecoed in place I riveted everything with A4 rivets in the areas where the skin does not get attached.

I had to make sure to remember to attach the front hinge brackets. I was wise and checked the photo guide before I riveted and found that I had them on the wrong sides, glad I caught that! A5 rivets were used for these brackets.

The photo manual had previously said to assemble the rear hinge bracket with hinge and gusset but I had held off on this because I did not have the right drill bit for the two bolt holes. The whole assembly is riveted with A5 rivets except for two holes in the hinge that take a bolt. I needed a 3/16″ bit for that and had to go out and get one. A lot of drilling later I had a lot of holes in the spar and an assembled hinge and gusset.

I then assembled the rear spar to the front and added the hinge bracket.

And riveted with a whole load of A4 rivets, A5s in the bracket.

Close up of the hinge bracket. Note that I need to further smooth the curve but I will do that once I have acquired some 3M scotchbrite pads.

I had thought I would get the skin attached today but this turned out to be a lot more work than I had expected. Next weekend I hope.