Day 40: Rear Bracket Hinge Fix (20m)

This weekend saw us attend two weddings so there wasn’t really any opportunity to work on the plane until the Sunday and then let’s just say I wasn’t in the best physical shape to be working with power tools.

I did fix a problem with a previous step. As you can maybe see in this picture, the three rivets through the hinge are not seated flush against the metal. This is because the rivet gun is too fat to go square against the metal with the other surface in the way. I’ve since seen the suggestion that we should grind down the gun to make it fit in tighter places.

I am quite the expert at drilling out rivets these days and I had them out pretty fast, and then I re-riveted with A5 rivets this time from the back, with the hand gun. I had previously struggled with the bolts being too long for the assembly but when I studied the photo manual again I noticed the phrase “using two washers”, didn’t see that first time. Putting an extra washer on the front of the bolt made the difference and with the right sized spanner Teri and I got the bolts nice and tight.

Hoping next weekend we will finish the stabilizer and then get on to the elevator.

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