Month: December 2016

Ignition Switch

Today I spent a little time in the hangar, mostly doing the post-assembly work on a nice new tool chest that my wife gave me. Now when I lose something I’ll at least have the area narrowed down significantly. Beyond…

Passenger Throttle Install

In examining the choke cable install I found out that the pilot side throttle attach point is missing the bolt assembly for holding the cable on. I can’t imagine why I would have removed that but I must have played…

Choke Install

I had Christmas Eve Eve off so Allen and I worked on the choke cable. We had plans to do a lot more but it took a while to work out how the cables attached to thing, the usual thing.…

Engine Wiring

The transponder still isn’t working, MGL determined that the panel isn’t able to send to the remote unit but we checked there was continuity pin to pin so I don’t know what could be the problem. I’m hoping Matt at…

Jury Strut Install

Here’s a nice little self-contained project, installing the jury struts on the wings. The lower strut goes half way between the top and bottom bolts on each wing strut. The lower jury strut fixes to the strut via a bushing…