Month: August 2011

Day 60: Flaperon Repair Prep (35m)

Some of you might remember (yeah, who am I kidding about that) I made a mistake in a flaperon by measuring the control horn placement from the wrong point. I’ve had the replacement horn and rib for some time now…

What’s Next?!

So that makes three kits out of five completed!! Except that there are some fixes in each one of the flaperons needs a new tip installed one of the slats has a mounting bracket in slightly the wrong place one…

Day 59: Elevator Completion (1hr)

All that was left to do for the elevator was install the trim tab and finish riveting the control horn brackets. Not forgetting to connect the servo rod to the trim tab When attached it looks like I have the…

Day 58: Elevator Skin Riveting (2hr 30m)

The big push to get the elevator finished. I started by adding corrosion protectant to the spar where the skins will touch and then reassembled the rear skins onto the spar, clecoed in place and then riveted both sides. I…