Month: September 2017

Propeller Adjustments and Battery Concerns

Last post I mentioned that the propeller pitch needed adjustment so this weekend I took the cowling off and redid the pitch. The blades were set to 16 degrees, measured 6″ from the tip, and now they are 14 degrees.…

Phase One Flight Testing

Once an experimental aircraft is inspected and granted an Airworthiness Certificate, it comes with a set of Operating Limitations. These set out the special rules and regulations that the plane must adhere to in order to keep the certificate. If…

First Flight – For Real!

I’ll do a full write up during the week, hopefully with video from my two cameras, but until then here’s some film Teri took from the ground. The short version is that everything was pretty good, but I still need…

First Flight Thoughts

On Sunday I headed to the hangar with Teri in the hope of a first flight. The plan was to do a little more high speed taxi to work up to it, although I did have some doubts as we…

First Flight – Not!

I hadn’t intended to let this blog go quiet for so long but there really hasn’t been much to say. We had a couple of weeks of high humidity and it was just too yucky to go out to the…