Month: March 2017

Passenger Wing Root Skin

Today we set out to make and install a new wing root skin for the pilot side. The idea was to add an l-angle to the existing rib to build up a new platform for the skin to sit on,…

Roof Vinyl Wrapping

During the week a couple of large boxes arrived containing the metal to replace the wing root skin that doesn’t fit, and to make some l-angles to extend the rib upwards. The boxes are big, no idea how I ordered…

Fuselage Riveting

Today I kicked it old school, just me, a rivet gun and some rocking tunes on my 3rd gen iPod (not that you can hear them over the compressor). A few entries ago I showed that it is impossible to…

This Weekend: The Ugly

I was sick from a cold all weekend and so in hindsight I perhaps should have spent the weekend in bed, except that this tale would still be happening, just with a different date on it. With the window in…

This Weekend: The Bad

So the windshield was in place on the fuselage, cleco in the top hole of each side so that I could lift it up a bit to slide the rubber on. Except of course this didn’t mean I could lift…