Interior Vinyl

I took Friday off to work with Allen on more wrapping of the fuselage but the day before he was taken to the ER for some tests and surgery so he wasn’t going to be available. Hopefully he will recover quickly.

I figured I would carry on, it would just be slower on my own. I removed the pilot side flaperon from the control arm and measured the first piece. I did not have any white vinyl left that was long enough! Turns out I have plenty of width but no piece that has enough height to cut a single panel from. So that was it for the exterior, will have to order yet more vinyl.

Like I said, I have quite a lot of vinyl so I set to work on the interior. I filled in some more white in the baggage area and some red where it struck my fancy

Interior vinyl

I’m up to 50 hours of vinyl work now, I had no idea it would take so long and there’s still quite a few left.