More Wrapping and the Propellor

Today I took a quick look at the angle of the wings and the flaperons at straight flight and there is definitely some adjustment needed. I will set that aside for when Allen returns next month.

During the week I had gotten a bunch of parcels in the mail. From Zenith I got the tow bar kit and the Z channel for the windshield

Tow Bar

From SkyTek I got their improved windshield/top window strip (which may or may not work for me) and their improved cowling fasteners. Oh, and some standoffs for the engine hoses.

Cowling Fasteners

The other parcel contained the proper colour white vinyl and I did a so-so job of finishing the last wing strut.

Wrapped Struts

Then, because I had a little time left and I could think of nothing else that looked easy and doable, I assembled the propellor and put it on the front (which is where it goes).

Propellor Trial Install

It probably can’t stay there as it is a little in the way but it sure does look pretty. Apart from any interference problems, before it can be deemed installed, the attachment bolts need to be drilled for safety wire (that will be fun) and the blades need to be set to the right angle. But it does look even more like a plane now.