Category: Slats

6 Year Anniversary

Today marks the 6th anniversary of making the first hole in the rudder which started this crazy project. Much like with Trump’s campaign, surely someone should have stopped it before it got this far?? My build log shows 499 hours…

Slat Wrap (Pilot Side)

Over this weekend I’ve managed to sneak a few early hours in the morning before the temperatures got too crazy and, more importantly, the humidity of last weekend was gone. I tried two weekends ago and only lasted 30 minutes…

A Cornucopia of Things

I took Friday to off so I could enjoy a long weekend (having lost my Memorial Day to work travel) and lucked out with some decent temperatures to work in. Not the case this coming weekend, back to 119F (48C).…

Slats Trial Fit

I’ve missed the last two weekends away and I’m about to be sent back to Tokyo (hurrah!) this weekend but I did steal an hour in the hangar to mess with the slats. I have to say it was great…

Day 20: Slats Completed (1hr 20m)

Started the day with…. yep, you guessed it deburring and priming on the pilot-side outboard slat. After re-assembly the skin was riveted to the spar and now all four slats pieces are complete, bar the tips. While waiting for the…